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Created on: 26-Mar-2014. Updated on: 26-Mar-2014.

Category: Nucleic Acids.

Denaturing Agarose Gel Protocol for RNA samples

Posted by: dami82, UIC, Chicago, IL,

1.2% FA Gel Preparation NB: the gel must be cast in the fume hood To prepare FA gel (1.2% agarose), mix the following in a specified conical flask: ·1.2 g agarose ·10 ml 10x FA gel buffer (see composition below) ·Add RNase-free water to 100 ml Heat the mixture to melt agarose. Cool to a holdable temperature. Add 1.44 ml of 37% formaldehyde and either 3 µl of SYBRgreen II stock solution or if preferred, Ethidium Bromid...

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