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Created on: 04-Feb-2014. Updated on: 15-Jan-2015.

Category: Nucleic Acids.

CHromatin Immunoprecipitation (CHIP) - Shuo’s protocol

Posted by: dami82, UIC, Chicago, IL,

Cells should be at around 90% visual confluence when harvesting. Avoid overconfluence that may result in cell detachment during the washes. Cells may be grown in 10-cm plates. For HCT116 cells, use two 10-cm plates per condition and seed 3.5 million cells in each 10-cm plate 3 days before harvesting (change medium after 2 days).


Crosslinking and lysate preparation
  1. Change medium and add 9 mL complete medium in each 10-cm plate just before harvesting cells
  2. Add 250 µL of 37% formaldehyde to the cells dropwise (final 1%)
  3. Shake plates gently at RT for 10 minutes
  4. Add 925 µL of 10x G...

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