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The aim of this website is to support scientific research by allowing you to online publish and access original protocols that you are used to perform in your Lab, as well as  other documents related to your research activity.  
  • This Website may help you keeping a tidy track of your research protocols
  • It helps you by making your protocols easy to find and ready to be printed anytime, anywhere. You just need an Internet connection. So it could be of great value if you are moving to a new Lab or to another city, for example.
  • You may edit, update or delete your protocols at any time. Moreover, you may also provide supplementary documents (up to 10 Mbytes) of any kind for supporting your posts.  
  • This Website allows you to share your protocols (and other research related documents) with other researchers (accordingly to the accessibility parameters you have to define for each of your posts).
  • If you wish to join this community, registration is required but is free
This Website is not designed to allow public discussion about your research protocols. If you are looking for technical help or for hints about how to improve a specific protocol, there are already other excellent resources out there, including http://www.protocol-online.org/, http://www.jove.com/, http://www.nature.com/nprot/index.html. This Website should be intended as a personal online protocol collection. So you are responsible for all contents that you publish. Please, avoid making confidential or copyrighted information freely available to everybody. The reproduction of copyrighted documents and the publication of inappropriate material is not allowed. Non-respect of these rules will cause the block of your account without notice. 

The online services provided by this website are subject to the Terms of Service available at  the following URL: http://www.labwizards.com/registration/terms.txt. Data collected during user registration and other personal information submitted or made available through the LabWizards.com services are subject to our applicable privacy policy. For more information, you may check the full Privacy Policy at the following URL: http://www.labwizards.com/registration/privacy.txt.